Moving or converting a property from one category to another (rental, BRRRR, flip or wholesale) is great for determining which investment strategy will work better for this particular property.
Here is how to quickly do this with DealCheck:
Step 1: Move the Property to a Different Category
The quickest way to convert a property from one category to another is by using the quick action menu on the left side (or at the top right on mobile):
Tip: you can first copy a property and then move the duplicate to a different category if you prefer to have it in both places.
Step 2: Customize Category-Specific Parameters
When you move a property from one category to another, most of its settings and deal parameters will migrate over as well.
However, it's a good idea to look over the information on the Purchase Worksheet page and customize any parameters specific to the new category as needed:
Note: the above screenshots were taken from our website, but the same features can be found in our iOS and Android apps as well.