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Viewing Rental Comps & Rent Estimates

View recent comparable rental listings to help you estimate the potential rent of each property.

Cindy Bellford avatar
Written by Cindy Bellford
Updated over a year ago

When analyzing rental properties and BRRRRs, you'll need to estimate the potential gross rent each property will be able to generate. This will help you calculate the net operating income (NOI) and cash flow of each property more accurately.

DealCheck makes it easy to view recent comparable rentals for each property, their average listed rent, as well as the estimated rent of the property you're analyzing based on its comps and characteristics.

How to View Rental Comps & Rent Estimates

Step 1: Open the Rental Comps & Rent Page for a Property

Go to one of your rental properties or BRRRRs and click the Rental Comps & Rent link from the menu on the left side:

Rental comps and rent estimates page


Step 2: View Recent Comparable Rentals

You'll see a list and a map of up to 20 recent rental comps, including their address, description, distance and rental listing information:

Rental comps & rent estimates page

Note: you are limited to viewing 5 comps per property with our free plan. Upgrade to DealCheck Plus or Pro to view the full list of comps.

Step 3: View Rent Estimates & Statistics

In addition to a list of comps, you'll see their average listed rent, a rent estimate of the property from RentCast, and the estimated rent of the property based on its living area and the average rent per square foot of its comps:

Rental listing estimates and statistics

It is up to you which of the rent estimates you use in your analysis, but here is what we generally recommend:

  • Use the RentCast Estimate if you're looking for a quick, accurate estimate of the property's rent given its characteristics, comps and current market conditions

  • Use the Estimated Rent Based on Average Rent/Sq.Ft. if you've edited the list of rental comps or uploaded your own manually, since the RentCast Estimate doesn't take that into account

Once you've picked a rent estimate, you can update the saved rent for this property using the Current Gross Rent input field on the same page.

Step 4: View Additional Information for Each Comp

You can click on each comparable property and scroll down to the bottom of the popup to view additional information, details and photos of that property:

Comparable property details popup

How to Add, Edit & Customize Rental Comps

With the DealCheck Pro upgrade, you can select which comps are included in the estimated rent calculation, edit the information of comps imported automatically, as well as add comps manually.

Selecting Comps to Use in Calculations

You can control which comps are used for calculating the Estimated Rent Based on Average Rent/Sq.Ft. figure at the top of the page by checking or unchecking the checkboxes next to them.

This is useful for fine-tuning the list of comps to include only those that most closely match the subject property:

Select rental comps to use in calculations


Updating Comparable Information

If the details or listed rent of any of the comps imported automatically are missing or are inaccurate, you can click on those comps and update any of their information yourself:

Update rental comps information

Adding Comps Manually

Finally, if you'd like to use your own comps that you have from other sources, you can click the Add button at the top of the comps list and enter their information manually.

Comps added manually will be included in the Estimated Rent Based on Average Rent/Sq.Ft. calculation, just like comps that were imported automatically.

Add rental comps manually

Adding Rental Comps to Your Property Reports

You can include a page with the recent comparable rental listings and rent estimates when you create and export reports of each rental property or BRRRR.

To enable this, turn on the Include Rental Comps toggle in the report settings:

Property reports include rental comps toggle

The next time you generate a report for that property, you'll see rental comps added on a separate page:

Rental comps page in property reports


Note: the above screenshots were taken from our website, but the same features can be found in our iOS and Android apps as well.

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